
Showing posts from 2009

Insights that Excites: Dreams

Insights that Excites: Dreams


Do I know What flows within me.. That makes me dream those impossible dreams That makes me gaze into those brown blue eyes In search of something that may not be? Do I dare To touch those sacred places in my flight That makes me want to hope That makes me look up into those brown blue eyes In search for the same fire that I know will never ignite?

The Moments in Time

The moments in time Flow by bouncing in the rhythm of sunshine, Reflecting the last vestiges Of memory. The moments that held me In the very womb of darkness And enlightened me to the Melody of silence, Now smile at me From a distance Beckoning me into the Effervescence of life. The moments in time reflect the very image of light Resounding the emptiness Of this overcrowded heart. The moments that bind me To the roots of freedom And opens the sky for me to fly. Now, they nestle close to my being In search of tranquility And beckons me to join them In the dark oblivion of eternity.

Making it Mine

My journey… is my destination To live for and breath in To make it mine And hope to loose it someday To light up the darkness And be blinded with happiness To know it is just for now To hold tight To the sands of timeAnd sow the seeds of hope…..

From deep in my heart....

(This is not entirely written by me.. if 'found' it) It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love for your dream for the adventure of being alive. It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon... I want to know if you have touched the centre of your own sorrow if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shrivelled and closed from fear of further pain. I want to know if you can sit with pain mine or your own without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy mine or your own if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful to be realistic to remember the limitations of being human. It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is tru
Waves We stand alone With an ocean before us.... With its unending waves Matching the ones in our hearts The waves of emotions That have come and gone and come again Waves that connect us to other shores Weaving an invisible net Of emotions that keep coming and going How much ever we promise ourselves Never again. Yet, we shall stand alone Connected to other shores With other’s thoughts But only from a distance To just know as a fleeting moment As we pass through this Never ending saga of Living and being born again. We stand alone in hear break And in happiness As the waves of emotions Only but touch the other shores To be seen, felt and lived differently. This is written just like that... just felt like it :-)
Just be there with me… To feel the cool air Of the rain washed city The slight tingle Of the first rain drops on our faces Just be there with me…. To hear the birds come home At dusk declaring peace with the day The ores cutting through The tired waters before they are left to dry Just be there with me….. To see the same old city In the new light To visit old memories And feel no regrets Just be there with me Till it is time to start again….

Rain & Sunshine

Hold your happiness In those tiny fists… Curled around the tiny drops of Rain and sunshine As you feel your way through This wonderful maze of life Hold your happiness In those tiny fists… For it comes from within you To be reflected in the eternal drama Of rain and sunshine Let nobody tell you otherwise.. Let nobody hold your happiness for you For it comes from within you And showers like a thousand pearls On your closed eyes… Hold your happiness In those tiny fists… ( written about a photograph taken by a friend- click here to see)

In the sunshine of emotions

The illusion of sentiments And the magic of beliefs Stand challenged In the sunshine of emotions The landslide has started The flood waters … Beginning to fill the brim of what remains- In this often broken sense of reality. To be able to distinguish Happiness from anguish And love from fear Has become only but a distant hope. In the all pervading sunshine of emotions Let the deluge break free From the bondage of insecurities, Jealousies and the sense of loosing Only to love more And may be…. to loose again.

The Dream

The visions of the Dream Keeps transcending into the wakeful hours of the day The silvery moonlight Streaking into the bright sunshine of regular Familiar and useful life. It is a fine blend A dream that permeates into the conscious mind With a forcefulness That can leave the reality shaken That wants to spread out its wings And take on the might and power of the wind A reality that permits only acceptance That has to be lived through The silvery haze of a Dream

The Dove Story - published on

Today I am writing about two Doves that befriended us , came and layed their two eggs on a rope swing in my balcony. It was an amazing experience to see the two bird take turns, first, to build a tiny nest and then once the female bird lay its two small eggs, they once again took turns to keep the eggs warm. It was like a clock work, an unsaid and un documented sense of bonding between the two birds and their future family that was unfolding before my eyes. Very soon this nest was the most precious object in the household. All visitors were told about it and special ones were allowed to enter the bedroom and look at the nest from behind the glass of the French windows that opened into the balcony. After a wait of about 20 days, one of the eggs hatched and we had our first baby being born in the house .. the tiny little featherless and very helpless looking baby Dove. The parent birds were very excited.. and having watched them for so long, we detected a distinct difference in their beh